# How to Top-up on the A-Bank Super Wallet App
2022-05-14 09:00:00
Download:How to Top-up on the A-Bank Super Wallet App (opens new window)
The A-Bank Super Wallet supports 2 Types of Top-up:
# Fiat Top-up
-Go to the “Assets” page and tap on “Top-up” on the fiat currency card. (You can only top-up fiat funds from a bank account opened under the same legal name as the AsiaDB account.)
-Tap on the “Copy” icon to copy and paste the information.
-While transferring funds from other bank to your AsiaDB account, please use the information provided.
-Make sure to fill in your AsiaDB account number in the MEMO. (Otherwise the top-up will not be executed correctly and you may lose your assets.)
# Cryptocurrency (Stablecoin) Top-up
-Tap on “Top-up” on the cryptocurrency card to access the information needed for Cryptocurrency Top-up.
-While transferring crypto from other digital wallets, make sure to use the: Supported blockchain network. Correct top-up address (Each customers will be given a unique top-up address)
Easily Top-up into your AsiaDB account !